LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: Toddlers at Ruston Christian are encouraged to participate in conversations, look at and listen to books being read, experiment with drawing and writing and learn about pictures and print. This helps them develop receptive and expressive language.
ART: We use a variety of tools and materials, and children learn to paint, draw, mold and make collages.
LARGE MOTOR SKILLS: We engage in a variety of large-muscle activities, which helps toddlers gain balance and move from place to place, walk with increasing coordination and maintain balance while moving arms and legs in active play.
FINE MOTOR SKILLS: We help children practice using their thumb and index fingers to grasp and drop objects, use one hand to hold an object while the other hand manipulates another object and use hand-eye coordination to do both simple and complex tasks.
MUSIC: Toddlers sing in groups, explore musical instruments and are encouraged to respond to music by moving their bodies. The activities help expand language skills, develop interest in environmental sounds and share music with others by singing together or parading in a group.
DRAMATIC PLAY: Toddlers participate in dramatic play to help manage their feelings through pretending and role-playing, imitate sounds and action and interact with other children.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: The toddler Christian education curriculum focuses on the life and work of Jesus.